Get Ur Cry On: Saddest K-Pop MVs

When it comes to K-Pop music videos I’m sure we’ve all seen our fair share of the good, the bad, the smouldering, the hilarious, and even the WTF?? But let’s face it sometimes you just need a good, old fashioned crying session! Luckily with all the über-romantic MVs out there it’s not hard to find something to cry about. So, after much research (and tears!) I’ve narrowed down my 5 favorite cry-a-thon songs to save for one of those days when you need to shed some water weight…from your eyeballs.

5. G-Dragon “That XX”
GD smash! Even when he’s sad or mad, he’s still hot, but in this MV G-Dragon also shows he’s a great actor. Full of raw emotion and of course, stunning fashion sense this video is as visually moving as it is melancholy with a touch of sexy GD masculinity. You may get slightly misty from this one, but it’s not a total heart breaker. Full speed ahead!

4. Akdong Musician (AKMU) “200%”
Stalk much? What starts off as an adorable little friends becoming lovers story ends as a perfectly painful situation of unrequited love. The cute awkwardness and upbeat melody balances out the sadness to keep you from totally going off the deep end and straight into the pint of ice cream.

3. NU’EST “Hello”
We’re sad…let’s dance! This song by itself is enough to tug at your heartstrings, but the intense emotion and bleak colors really make you feel it. The only thing that can pull you back from tears is marveling at how these boys can still dance it out with all the heartache they feel. It’s also kinda distracting how much Ren looks exactly like an elvish princess.

2. Jin “Gone”
Surprised this one didn’t make it to number 1? I mean come on! Blind girl? Heart medication? Sad piano??? Don’t get me wrong, it is definitely the saddest storyline in the whole lineup, but it’s almost too sad for me to take it seriously. If it were a more realistic story I would probably feel differently. It’s also way too sad to watch very often. Proceed with caution!

1. BOA “Disturbance”
Go back to the past, duh! So here you have it – my ultimate favorite cry-a-thon MV. Is it because of my soft spot for Taemin? Probably, but you can’t deny this video is extremely well done! From the flawless cinematography to the believable chemistry between the characters, it’s the perfect bittersweet, romantic mini flick.
Want more? You can continue the video at the end by choosing from 2 possible endings. If you need some extra tears I recommend choosing the “Let time go by” ending and call it a night…or be like me and watch it all over again.

What are your favorite tug-on-your-heartstrings MVs?